The debt collector opted for
a Facebook Messenger chat integration in our Cleverchat-solution. Consumers that have debt, could start to chat about their debt, and upon handover to a user agent, the specifics of this particular consumer were all visible to the user agent. Thanks to the
integration capabilities of the Shopitag platform, we could request internal relevant information and display it ad hoc to the agent. Having the file information immediately available, facilitated a more personal and softer approach from the debt collector towards their debtors.
While for the debt collector the chat channel was in a first stage just a crazy idea, they quickly found out consumers are really more open and willing to "talk" about their problem, when they have the safety of chat. Debtors feel less intimidated by not having to admit via voice they have sometimes personal financial problems, and therefore the chat channel lowers the threshold to come to a solution in a reasonable timeframe.