Why would you go for
headless commerce? For those that are aware, a couple of years ago technocrats saw a lot of potential in
IOT commerce (
things that do online orders fully independently). This was coined as an early version of headless commerce, but it hasn't lived up to its promise yet. So why would you need headless commerce? Why would anyone need headless commerce? Let's sum up some considerations and see if headless is a match for you.
First of all go talk to your marketing people and ask if the webshop system that is being used, offers all they need in terms of flexibility, content placement, speed and visuals. Chances are big it isn't. Then ask your developers to do some changes to the webshop system. Chances are high it will take much time and they'll pray not to break any dependence between the several modules they have installed to make the container ship float.
When you feel your (large) webshop is a container ship that is tedious to steer, things become frustrating when new channels pop up (voice bots, chatbots, AR/VR, social media channels like Instagram and Facebook, marketplaces, ...). These different channels create a scattered feeling where your team needs to be all over the place, and most probably is forced to make choices (let's drop support for X, Y, Z). Since any entrepreneur knows that you must go where your customers are, dropping inbound channels just because the monolithic webshop is not supporting it is not really the prefered way to go.
In an ideal headless world, the Content Management Software that is being used by the marketing team can run totally free from the heavy webshop, and allows those motivated marketeers to create content for any of the mentioned channels. All operational e-commerce stuff is handled by a black box (the headless commerce platform) that
communicates via API with the front-end channels.